Goodbye twenty-eleven

Superlative posts have become popular throughout the blogosphere. I’m not elloquent enough to compose one each month. But I do like the idea of looking back in time and reflecting.

Twenty Eleven had its ups and downs. In no particular order, I:

Was laid off and made a when life hands you lemons cake.

Found out I’d be recalled, but had no idea what I would be doing.

Ran my first-ever road race (and a 12K at that!).

Was on a total runners high and signed up to run a half-marathon.

I injured my IT Band, spent 6 weeks in physical therapy, and have only attempted running ONCE since July. No amount of foam rolling or IT Band strengthening exercises have helped 😦

Went on a 2-week road trip to San Diego, Napa and Portland.

Was recalled to a new school/position and began teaching 4th grade.

Picked up a few freelance writing gigs on Foodbeat NW.

Foodbeat NW Logo

Hosted my first giveaway.

And cooked/baked up a storm.

What is your favorite memory from 2011?